How to Fall in Love with God: 7 Ways on How to Love God More Deeply
How to fall in love with God is a topic either not many have thought of or many have openly discussed. How do you fall in love with God? Is there such a thing? The good news is, it is a thing! There are many ways on how to fall in love with God and I pray these 7 suggestions will be just the beginning on how to experience God personally.
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Have you ever looked at someone at your church with misdirected jealousy because of his or her relationship with God? Did you ever wonder why you don’t have the same thing?
I remember sitting at church or a bible study and witness many people having this amazing experience with God that I didn’t have yet.
It made me wonder if it was fake or maybe I wasn’t good enough to have the same thing.
Sometimes I even remember secretly making fun of “those people” who would be crying or “overly” praising God. Have you ever felt like this? However, as I continued to witness this throughout my walk I noticed I wanted to know how to fall in love with God too.
The change came for me when I really experienced the POWER of God. I was out bonding with two teens when demons presented themselves in one of them (see the story in Matt. 12:22-32). I was in total shock but I did recognize something had to be done. Praise God, the other teen had a father who is a Pastor because I had no idea what to do.
We took her back to her house and he was able to extract them through prayer, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the Name of Jesus Christ. It was the first time I ever spoke in tongues and witnessed the spiritual battle we are truly in (see Acts 2:1-4). At that moment I understood why “those people” did what they did.
What could this possibly do with falling in love with God? How is all of this connected?
6 Things God Wants from Single Christian Ladies<<Click HERE to Watch Christian Youtube Video>>
Here is how all of this connects:
There was a REAL power in the Name of Jesus Christ I experienced.
The experience was so amazing and I was in awe of Him! I had to know more.
Now, this may seem like such a strange story to tell when it comes to falling in love with God but the key word we are looking for is “know”.
[bctt tweet=”Falling in love with God starts with knowing who He is.” username=”ninaslay4christ”]
We are a soul seeking a real experience with love. He is that love.
Therefore, in order to truly experience love we must know “it” meaning know Him who is love. Phew! So how do we get to know Him? Here are some ways on how to love God more deeply to help set a foundation of understanding “those people” and joining them in falling in love with Jesus Christ.
How to Fall in Love with God 5 Devotional Scriptures Printable<<Click to PRINT>>
7 Ways on How to Fall in Love with God
1) Learn about Him-
Some people may find the bible overwhelming or boring but reading the bible is like reading someone’s diary. That someone is God.
He is telling you the history of His love and what was done so He can spend eternity with you.
I mean think about it, if you found your crush’s diary would you read it? Most of us would say yes because it contains their thoughts, wants, and secrets. The bible holds that and so much more.
It has the power to transform you.
Why? Because the more you learn about God, the more you will know how to fall in love with God.
It’s so easy to judge someone when we don’t know them. What a beautiful God to leave us a 66 book love letter so we can know Him better.
His knowledge is power. (see 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Psalm 119:105, Rom. 15:4)
2) Spend time together-
In any relationship romantic or not, time has to be put in.
“Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (1 Chron. 16:11)
I remember people saying they “knew” me when I had no idea who they were. I might’ve had a class with them or maybe I’ve seen them in the hallway but I didn’t feel like they knew me.
How many of us get upset when that happens?
Our response is usually, “They don’t know me!” Right? It takes quality time to know someone. Lots of memories and experiences. It’s the same with God. To truly know someone is to spend time with them, know them, know their life, and know their heart. (see Isa. 53:1-12)
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18)
Mornings are a great to spend time with Him. Click here to read more about how to do that.
3) Keep Thinking/Talking about Him-
Whether it’s your best friend, someone special, or that beloved family member, we usually think about and talk about them often. We’ll recall memories and experiences we had with these people.
When you start spending more and more time with God the same thing happens.
Scripture will start coming to mind easily as you constantly read scripture, you’ll remember those times God was personal with you, times He took you out of your misery, you’ll wonder how you can get to know Him better, and you’ll want to spend more time with Him.
Also, evangelizing will become easier because it’s just becomes who you are rather than something you should do. You can’t help but talk about Him. It’s the overflow.
If you feel far from Him, click here to find out maybe why.
4) Talk to Him-
Prayer is more than a ritual or something you “have” to do. It’s simply talking to God.
How much do we learn from people we have constant communication with? How much deeper and more meaningful are our relationships when are real and just talk?
“And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words” (Matt. 6:7).
Talk like you would normally talk to someone you love. Also, sometimes I’m too worried about picking the “perfect” time or the “perfect” place just so I can pray. Now I can pray whenever, wherever I want. This is your freedom too. (see John 10:27-28)
5) Recognize His voice-
He DOES respond in the way HE responds.
He can talk to you either through dreams, other people, an audible voice, sermons, or whichever way He talks to you. Another way that is tangible, is through His Word.
“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17).
God also speaks in His very creation, His word, through His prophets (which is still relevant today), in the little details in your life that make you smile, in the still small voice, and through the trials. Listen for Him..
Open your ears and allow your heart and mind to be receptive. It’ll work wonders! (Isa. 55:8-9, 1 Kings 19:11-12)
6) Sing to Him-
When we love something, we can’t help but sing to it and about it. Even if you’re not necessarily gifted. Moms sing to babies, men sing to women, women sing to men, and everywhere you look there is a song being sung.
“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being.” (Psalm 104:33)
By singing to the Lord, we are expressing our love to Him. He also sings to us!
“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zeph. 3:17)
This is one of my favorite scriptures because it shows what a loving Father He is. Even if you never had anyone sing to you, you can guarantee the Lord has sung over you.
7) Defend Him-
In any great love story, there is one defending the love of the other. Why can’t it be like that for the Lord? So many people want to destroy the love and relationship between the created and the Creator. Will you defend Him?
“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15)
When you start learning about Him, spending time with Him, falling in love with your God, this will become easier and easier where it won’t even be a thought but a knee jerk reaction. He is worth defending!
Make it a point in your life to learn how to fall in love with God. There is NOTHING like it. I remember the day I became “that person” in church who shouted to God for how GREAT He is, clapping, crying, dancing, and the best part is…I didn’t care who was watching!
There is no turning back for me and that’s okay! When that happens to you, a smile will start to play across your face because you will realize you became just like “them”.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” (Deut. 6:5)
Baskets of Blessings!
Nina Daugherty
Jesus, family, ministry, and lots of coffee! My heart comes from being a young teen girl who didn’t know much and found Jesus in a dark time. My ministry focuses on the heart of God for this generation to make Godly decisions especially in the area of purity. A blog for all ages because God’s Word is eternal and has no age limit!
6 years agoWonderful advice, I hope lots of people read this and get your book !
Nina Daugherty
6 years ago AUTHORThank you..I pray it helps someone..I do not have a book yet but one day..blessings!
5 years agoI was touched with your story. You wat made my cry was when you sing to God he also sings to you…. I am blessed.. thank you…..
Nina Daugherty
5 years ago AUTHORPraying for many blessings over you! Thank you for those encouraging words!
4 years agoThank. That’s a fresh way of learning , and leaning on God. You spoke to me through this I have been struggling with myself and knowing and learning of God and his love. I have never felt good enough for God. God has spoke to me through u. and I am so grateful. Thank You again
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORThank you so much for reaching out. So grateful the Lord was speaking to you. He is so good.
4 years agoThank you for your wonderful word of encouragement
Nina Daugherty
2 years ago AUTHORAll glory to the Lord. I’m blessed to hear it helped. Blessings!
5 years agoMy eyes watered when I read your comment. I skipped some of the sections so I didn’t catch that. I love Singing to the Lord, but to think that He loves singing to me?!
6 years agoThank you for sharing that story of how to love God, spending time with him is the answer thank you.
Nina Daugherty
6 years ago AUTHORIt’s such a blessing when we do spend time with Him..blessings!
Sirdon D. Barrot
4 years agoI will serve the Lord Jesus Christ whatever happens because i love Him with all my heart, i trust & believe Him for all things nothing is impossible to Him. Amen
Nina Daugherty
2 years ago AUTHORHe is so good! Blessings!
Jim Cionci
6 years agoContinue to build strong people who know Christ and who they are in Christ. Teach them to stand so not to be pushed back. Speak the Word out load as a declaration to the world. Talk to God through prayers, listen to God through His Word and repeat. Building strong relationships talk, listen, repeat. God bless, Jim
Nina Daugherty
6 years ago AUTHORAll amazing things to do..thank you for sharing!
Cynthia Fiamor
6 years agoThsnks for writing this to help me. I have fallen in love with God and feels so good to read out my very experiences u have outlined
God bless you for this. One of the verse i enjoy from your article is Zeph 3 : 17 but wrote as Zeph 4 : 17. Pls correct this. I can’t wait to hear my Lord sing over me.
Nina Daugherty
6 years ago AUTHORThank you for catching that and it has been is one of my favorite scriptures..thank you!
6 years agoBeautiful post! Very Well Done ❤️ Nina!
I enjoyed reading your message and the example you gave. Your words were well written and thought out.
Awesome site as well
Nina Daugherty
6 years ago AUTHORThank you for your encouraging words..I pray it helps someone!
6 years agoThank you for this page. I’m going through something right now a I know God hears me, love me and making a way for me right now but I needed to read this as well. I believe all things are possible through Christ. Much Love Too You.
Nina Daugherty
6 years ago AUTHORThat’s so awesome to hear..I pray you will experience Him in a new way this season..blessings to you!
Deanne Grace Bejarin
4 years agoSame :> I have a friend who I talked to with my problems and he always say that if you let God enter your heart, everything will go in good ways, everything will be solved. That’s why I am here to let myself love more God. I hope this can be my first journey through him, I always believe in him and I want him too to be give me advices on what to do with my problem. 🙂
Nina Daugherty
2 years ago AUTHORLove this! Praying for many blessings over your journey!
6 years agoThat’s is a awesome story you shared .and how to fall in love with him I thank him in so many ways , I don’t have alot of money and can’t get your book , but you have blessed me for sharing this I am truly thankful and rich in love and I hope God will bless you to sell them all amen
Nina Daugherty
5 years ago AUTHORI don’t have a book yet but I’m working on it..enjoy the content here! Thank you!
Tasanee Macedon
5 years agoThank you for your work in this subject on 7 ways on how to fall in love with Yah.
You are a blessing for Yah’s kingdom. I pray it is His will, that you will write a book for His glory.
Bless you
Nina Daugherty
5 years ago AUTHORAww..thank you! I have been working on it..trying to get my foot in the door for publishing..thank you for your encouraging words!
5 years agoHi Nina, I love that teachings about falling in love with Jesus. To many people both men and women and also teenagers fall in love and get heart broken. I was one such individual. After failing in finding love several times including two marriages, I realize that Christ is the only true love a person can have and not be disappointed. I hope that just I learned my lesson that others will also. Thank You.
Nina Daugherty
5 years ago AUTHORIt’s so important..thanks for reading and being a part of this community!
5 years agothank you
Nina Daugherty
5 years ago AUTHORYou are so welcome..I pray you are blessed!
5 years agoGod. Is good he has given everyone a measure of faith . Use that measure to believe. And open the heart Gods spirit will enter. The Holy spirit connects us to God. Yes to be in love with God is most wonderful and amazing experience
Nina Daugherty
5 years ago AUTHORAmen! Thank You Holy Spirit!
Sherrie V
5 years agoThanks Nina, I came across your post and had to read it. I have been feeling distant at times from God and your post reminded me that I need him always and forever! I love to sing, was raised singing in church, I love the scripture about God singing to us, made my day! Thank you and God bless you
Nina Daugherty
5 years ago AUTHORBless you as well. Keep singing! I’m so blessed you were able to connect with Him again in these reminders. Keep remembering and going before Him!
5 years agoI have just came across your article trying to learn how to love God. I am going through a terrible time, and I’m trying to figure out why God allowed such a terrible thing to happen in the first place. I enjoyed your article. I’m hoping that God will hear me out. Thank you.
Nina Daugherty
2 years ago AUTHORMy apologies for responding so late..sometimes comments get lost..I pray you are doing way better and you have gone stronger in the Lord..continue to seek Him and I pray for many blessings over those times..Blessings!
Eren Mckay
5 years agoDear sister Nina,
Thank you for sharing this beautiful message. I will be sharing this article with my believer friends.
I would like to make a suggestion about your share button on the sidebar. I need to make the font larger so that I can see what is being written and the icons end up overlapping the text that you wrote.
I was able to push them back with the bottom arrow, but each time I scrolled down a bit further to read more, the social sharing icons would pop back to my sidebar. It made it very hard for me to keep taking them out of the way to read. Is there any way that you could add the sharing button to the top and end of your post but not on the sidebar?
It’s just a suggestion because it would make it so much easier for us to read your articles. Thank you for your beautiful article.
Blessings to you,
Eren Mckay
Nina Daugherty
5 years ago AUTHORI couldn’t completely take it away because it does help with people sharing but I did make the icons smaller. Hope this helps! Thanks!
Eren Mckay
5 years agoDear sister Nina,
Thank you so much for making the icons smaller. Now I can enlarge your articles on my computer and they don’t get in the way. I really appreciate it!
5 years agoBeautiful and very relevant article Nina!!! Too precious not to share! I am just so sorry that I don’t have a printer to print the 7 ways to fall in love with God more deeply!!!
5 years agoWow this is so beautiful,i was just wondering how to love my God more than I love him,I ran to this!!!it is so beautiful from a beautiful young soul! May God continue using u
4 years agoThank you for sharing these 7 way to fall in love with God. I was looking for content on how its done and when I came upon what you wrote I was delighted. I knew I had to start with the first two steps but other five is an added bonus to help me to fall deeply in love with my Lord.
Thank you again. Blessings!
Nina Daugherty
2 years ago AUTHORSo thankful it was a blessings to you!
4 years agoThank You Ma For Sharing This Word Of God With Me.
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORYou’re welcome. I pray it helps you on your journey with Jesus Christ. Be blessed!
4 years agoThank you for sharing these 7 way to fall in love with God. I was looking for content on how its done and when I came upon what you wrote I was delighted. I knew I had to start with the first two steps but other five is an added bonus to help me to fall deeply in love with my Lord.
Thank you again. Blessings!
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORYou’re so welcome! I’m praying for so many blessings over your life as you journey with Him! 🙂
4 years agoGod bless you Ma’am
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORBlessings to you! 🙂
4 years agoThank you so much for this write up..I can relate so much.You just turned my life around.May God bless you endlessly
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORSo blessed to hear the Lord blessed you! I pray for an amazing year of learning more about Him and His love for you!
Cindy Melson
4 years agoThank You. I fell God spoke to me through u. I have been struggling with feelings and thoughts running through my mind I’ll never be good enough for God. And could not shake the feeling. I Love the Lord and everyday try to do my best. But God only wants my heart. Thank you again. And God bless you
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORBless you! I’m so blessed to hear this helped you. God loves you so much, He came and died for you and me. How amazing is that love?! I pray for many blessings over this year!
4 years agoThis truly blessed me as I’ve been on a spiritual journey learning and growing in becoming more intimate with the Father. Your points were very specific, relevant, and needed. Also enjoyed your personal story. I pray God continues to use you and all of your gifts to bring him Glory! The BEST is yet to come!
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORThank you so much for reaching out. God is so good. He knows what we need to hear. I pray for many blessings over you as you experience Him in new ways this year. Blessings!
4 years agoThank you for this wonderful article it has been a blessing to me. Be blessed!
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORI’m so blessed to hear this. I pray you will experience the Lord in many new ways this year!
4 years agoThat’s powerful!! May the Lord God keep blessing you… I’ve learnt alot
Just hoping it works for me…. I believe God will surely help me… Thank you Father
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORAmen! The Lord is so good to His children!
4 years agoI am so grateful that I read this today. I am seeking to know and love God more. I will use the five steps to fall more in love with Him each new day he gives me. Thank you for using your gift to the Glory of God!
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORPraise the Lord, I truly pray it will help you. Blessings!
4 years agoThank you so much sis nina it help us alot..Godbless to your family and ministry.
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORBlessings to you..thank you for your kind words.
4 years agoThanks very much daughter of Zion. This is powerful. Every time I experience the visible presence of God, it is usually preceeded with beautiful singing. I remember one vividly was the hymn about Christians seek not yet repose but instead of watch and pray, the Lord sang, do not despair. God does sing to us to encourage, to warn and to also praise is. What a great comforter. Thank you Jesus. Please help me to love you more
Nina Daugherty
4 years ago AUTHORYes, worship is such a blessing! Praise the Lord!
4 years agothank you very much for uplifting our faith and love towards GOD, may The Heavens Opens the doors of everlasting blessings to you
Nina Daugherty
2 years ago AUTHORAll glory to the Lord. I pray for blessings over you as well!
4 years agoAmazing post.
Nina Daugherty
2 years ago AUTHORAll glory to the Lord. I pray it helps whoever needs it. Blessings!
4 years agoI’m blessed to read this post. Praise God for your life!
I would like to ask permission to share with our church.
Nina Daugherty
2 years ago AUTHORure! We always ask to give credit back to us when sharing. Share away! Blessings!
4 years agoI’m blessed to read this post. Praise God for your life!
I would like to ask permission to share with our church.
Nina Daugherty
2 years ago AUTHORSure! We always ask to give credit back to us when sharing. Share away! Blessings!